Tuesday, August 16, 2005


Tere are so many things I want to do in my life... I'll tell you about some of them.
1. To become a professor of English Philology and to teach history of Britain.
2. To have a little , stone house in Scotland ( the country I really love)
3. To travel to Syberia to see what my grandfather had seen.
4. To travel around the world
5. To write a book about all my friends (I wrote about them before in "Friends form the past" )
As you can see ... Many of them are easy to do but some of them...
But ..."Who tries - gets. Who fights - wins. " i WILL DO ALL OF IT ONE DAY... One day ... Soon...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hej! Dom nie koniecznie ale w podróż dookoła świata i na Syberię chętnie bym się z tobą wybrała, możesz mieć to na uwadze. Wierzę-zrealizujesz je wszystkie. całuski Iwonasa