Wednesday, December 14, 2005

First Winter day ...


Jim said...

Oh, that looks very cold. I would guess you used a tungsten setting on the camera? Nice.


BettlerChor said...

You are right !!! And It wasn't so cold as it can be here during Winter. It was just -5 celcius and sometimes we have - 30... During the Christmas beak I will take more pictures and put it !!!!!

Jim said...

-5C! That's frrrrreeeeezzzzing! We had a night last observing run that got down to -5C and we had all our worst problems with equipment that night (mostly motors having trouble moving gear boxes with much thicker than usual lubricants...). I guess that's why I live in the Arizona desert where -30C is somebody elses temperature.... ;-)

BettlerChor said...

I really like when it's -30... The world looks just still and calm than... Trees are like coloured with silver ....